Never Break the Chain
Writing a book is a journey culminating in a moment not unlike a key one in this very story: the author hands his or her baby off to the reader, saying “Here. This is yours n
Drawing Winners, Jacket Quotes & You
Thanks to all who entered our drawing for one of three copies of the new Tim Green novel Never Break the Chain. The winners are: Melissa Arian Kristine Waldenburg and an unidentifi
Outside Looking In
Never Break the Chain once again finds Tim Green on the outside looking in. In Believe in Me, Tim has just lost his father, and longs to find a way into the road family he discover
Can of Worms, Opened
One of the things that made me want to interview musicians in the first place (a story told in My Heart Sing the Harmony) is that I enjoy reading the resulting interviews so much.
The Wrapping on the Package
The cover of the book is like the wrapping on the package—except it’s permanent. It needs to convey something essential about the story within—mood or themes or a moment or a
What’s in a Name?
Last time around we unveiled the basic outline of the new Tim Green story coming this September. This time we ask, with apologies to Mr. Shakespeare and his roses, “What’s in a
Tim Green Will Return: The Sequel
Four and a half years ago I published a post titled “Tim Green Will Return,” and hints have been dropping ever since about a sequel to Believe in Me. While it took substantiall
Mud Season
When I started my current job nearly a decade ago (wait… what?), the school I work for in Central California had just become affiliated with a larger school back in northern New
Favorite Reads of 2016
As the stack of books-to-be-read grows tall once again, swollen by holiday gifting, it’s time to look back and remember some of my favorite reads of 2016… We begin with a cavea
Revenge of NaNoWriMo
“National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to creative writing,” declares the NaNoWriMo website—a backhanded, tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement that yo