Imposter Syndrome
The new Tim Green novel—title and publication date to be revealed any moment now—had two chief sources of inspiration. The first was a reader who wanted more of Bernie, Tim’s
Deeper into the Forest
Some writers do their best to avoid all feedback from readers. I get it; they want to write without letting the opinions and perspectives of others affect the trajectory of their w
Tim Green Will Return (Again)
Tim Green will return. Again. Readers of my newsletter and this space have known this was a possibility for some time, thanks to my barely contained enthusiasm about the new novel
Summer Thunder
For more than 20 years I’ve wondered when the right moment might be to tell this story—and now that moment has arrived. It happened on a sweltering midsummer Saturday, the kind
Of Being and Becoming
Wampus Multimedia publisher Mark Doyon once described my first novel Believe in Me as “a tale of being and becoming,” a phrase of such piercing power and insight that it still
Saving Point Reyes
Every book has its own unique point of origin, that Big Bang moment when it first miraculously springs from nothingness into its author’s mind. You just never know when it’s go
A Month in Italy (Note by Note)
Karen and I try to take a substantial trip every year these days, the occasional global pandemic aside. Travel is a privilege that we’ve made a priority for the past decade (
Every Chapter is a Song
Stories with music woven into their fabric have carried many different labels over the years; my personal favorite is “musical fiction.” Still, it can be a struggle to describe
The Great Battle
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.” This quote, often attributed to Philo of Alexandria, serves as the epigraph fronting my novel Never Break the Chain
Reunited States
Two years of isolation, disconnection, and toxic political divisiveness are enough to make anyone feel alienated—and enough to make the prospect of something as simple as a high